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Teoria Politica 2015

Revistas Teoria Politica Teoria Politica 2015

Teoria Politica 2015

Teoria Politica 2015

Acceso a los documentos

Bovero, Michelangelo - In questo numero. Nei prossimi numeri. Invito a contribuire

In questo numero. Nei prossimi numeri. Invito a contribuire

Características del artículo

Palabras clave

Il legislatore, il governante, il giudice: tre figure del potere

Características del artículo

Palabras clave
Lawgiver, Cleisthenes, Plato, Aristotle, Greek Political Philosophy, Nomos, Kratos Legislator, Citizen, Justice, Law, Power, Government by Law, Sovereignty, Governance, Socrates, Royal art, Leadership, Xenophon, Knowledge, Experience, Politics, Metretike, Opportunity, Government, Peace, Fascism, Law, Emotions, Penalty, Revenge, Ancient Greece, Judge, Legal Procedure, Gortyn Law Code, Ancient Athens, Eliastes, Greek Comedy, Aristophanes, Wasps, Jurisdiction, Political System, Separation of Powers, Government, Constitution,

La questione sociale, oggi

Características del artículo

Palabras clave
Fiscal Rules, Economic Constitution, Tax State, Consolidating State, Social and Democratic Rechtsstaat, Provisions to Ensure Social Goals, Brazilian Constitution, Brazilian Constitution Interpretation, Brazilian Constitution Application, Brazilian Constitution Effectiveness, Balanced Budget, Europe, Finance, Neoliberalism, Social Rights, Constitutional Democracy, Elitism, Populism, Inequality, Violence, India, Social Exclusion, Informalisation of Labour, Social Policy, Social Suffering, Injustice, Critical Theory, Emancipation, Capitalism
Bugra, Ayse - Hayek and Polanyi on Choice and Inevitability

Hayek and Polanyi on Choice and Inevitability

Características del artículo

Hayek and Polanyi are two prominent 20th century writers who have significantly contributed to the criticism of formal economic theory by insisting on the necessity of looking beyond the economy of homo oeconomicus to understand the economy of «man» as a social being. This article explores the methodological differences underlying this shared position and argues that the insistence on the limits of human reason and the fallibility of man central to Hayek's criticism of the rationalist tradition and Polanyi's approach to the economy as an instituted process lead to diametrically opposed views on human freedom. Central to Hayek's lifelong work is the inevitability of the choice between two types of submission, either to the impersonal forces of an institution such as the market which is not the product of human design or to the arbitrary power of personal character which would lead to serfdom. For Polanyi, what is inevitable is the society's resistance against the self-regulating market economy which he sees as an aberration incompatible with human society. In Polanyi's work, however, accepting the reality of society in its incompatibility with market economy opens the way to political action and defines a realm of choice which Hayek's approach to the relationship between society and politics completely denies. The discussion presented in the article was inspired by the global protests of 2013, particularly by those in Turkey which were against the market fundamentalism imposed on the society by a religiously conservative government. Seen as a manifestation of political will to control one's social and natural environment, these protests constitute the background against which the contributions of Hayek and Polanyi are revisited in a comparative perspective.
Palabras clave
Hayek. Karl Polanyi. Economic Rationality. Market Economy. Spontaneous Order.
Koschmieder, Carsten - Do More Opportunities for Participation Imply More Democracy? The Case of the German Pirate Party

Do More Opportunities for Participation Imply More Democracy? The Case of the German Pirate Party

Características del artículo

The German Pirate Party was founded in 2006. Only five years later, the Pirates achieved astonishing election results in four German states, entering the respective parliaments. The main reason for their success was that voters associated with the party a more transparent and more inclusive democracy. For the Pirates themselves, however, other topics are more important. At the core of the party platform lies the Internet. The Pirates demand a reform of the copyright law, which would permit sharing and downloading music files free of charge, a free Internet without state surveillance, and the strengthening of civil rights, both online and offline. Furthermore, they stress the importance of the Internet for many different topics, for example development aid. Besides, the Internet is also important for the organisation of the Pirates. Party members are constantly communicating and working together online. This creates the impression that online participation is very important within the party. Although the introduction of new tools for online participation is planned and has been announced, participation in the binding decision-making process of the Pirate Party happens offline. The main reason for the lack of online-decisions is that many Pirates have concerns related to the protection of data privacy. Nevertheless, the Pirates offer more opportunities for offline participation than other parties. Most important, all party conventions are held as general meetings, meaning that all members are invited to come to the venue and participate. It is, of course, not possible for everyone to attend. This article argues that certain social groups are far more likely to come and to participate. The analysis of the available data suggests that those with more money and more flexible time, or those without children, for example, are far more likely to participate. Furthermore, some of those who attend are better prepared than others, whereas many members miss important votes because they have already departed, or have not yet arrived. Consequently, the article concludes that by offering more opportunities for participation, the Pirate Party is increasing the participatory inequality among its members
Palabras clave
Pirate Party. Participation. Democracy. E-Democracy. Equality.
Cataldi, Laura - Democrazia deliberativa: considerazioni critiche

Democrazia deliberativa: considerazioni critiche

Características del artículo

To date, deliberative democracy (DD) represents perhaps the chief defying paradigm with which representative democracy is must deal. The paper offers a critical analysis of DD aimed at treating it the same way that representative democracy usually is. In that vein, the promises and the reasons for the success of DD are delivered at first. Secondly, some flaws and aporiae of DD pertaining to the constituent aspects of its system are analyzed, namely, objectivism and rationality, the contraposition of deliberation and negotiation, consensus and power problems. Then, the actual place of DD with regard to representative democracy is discussed. The success of DD lies in its promise to re-politicise politics, yet the factual reasons for the deliberative turn can be traced back to the traditional mechanisms of representation crisis and the ability of deliberative processes to manage uncertainty and complexity. Despite the postulations on expanded rationality, pluralism and «thinning» of objectivism, DD embodies an attempt at building a unitary actor and achieving absolute rationality. Within this process, the deliberative citizen appears «fleshless»: facing the persuasive capability of a rational argument about the common good, she must divest herself of interests, preferences, tastes and emotions. Furthermore, deliberation is not easily distinguishable from negotiation, which makes DD a two-faced object encompassing its conceptual opposite. With regard to the agreement issue, it is shown how deliberation not only builds, but also presupposes consensus, at least about norms and the common good. This raises doubts about the DD actual viability in dealing with a diverse and plural society. Lastly, DD proclaims itself to be alien to power, when in fact it is not: the asymmetry induced by organized stakeholders in deliberative arenas constitutes an example. Far from replacing representative democracy, DD might possibly complement it. Democracy, as a matter of fact, can't do without the device that make it responsive and accountable to citizens and which is an essential hinge of democratic legitimacy: elections. Having acknowledged this, after the voting market, negotiation is the main self-regulating process of politics, deliberation represents a resolution method operating on the margin of negotiation, more precisely of its failures. Finally, the presumed capability of DD to resolve problems is largely attributable not to deliberation but to participation per se, intended as opening of decision processes that is able to renew the context of decision making.
Palabras clave
Pirate Party. Participation. Democracy. E-Democracy. Equality.
Floridia, Antonio - La democrazia deliberativa e i partiti: un incontro impossibile?

La democrazia deliberativa e i partiti: un incontro impossibile?

Características del artículo

In the theoretical debate on deliberative democracy, the subject of parties seems totally absent or, when it is evoked, this happens only in a negative sense. In general, it is believed that the same spread of new participatory and deliberative models is a symptom or an effect of the crisis of representative democracy and the traditional role of parties. Deliberative democracy, thus, is often presented as an ideal of democracy whose own assumptions make it suspicious of the very idea of «party» and hostile to partisanship. This essay will demonstrate that this view of deliberative democracy, despite being the prevailing one, is not the only possible one. The goal of this paper, therefore, is twofold. First, we try to come to an understanding of the theoretical roots of those positions which have lead a part of deliberative democratic theory to enact a kind of normative devaluation of parties. Second, we challenge this conclusion, and even establish some points that will allow us to better identify the role of parties, and above all a renewed role of political parties, while still following a deliberative conception of democracy. To this end, we will first indicate the reasons that led to a substantial eclipse of this theme in the development of mainstream deliberative democracy, and we will refer to some of the founding texts of deliberative democracy, in particular, the first works of Bernard Manin and Joshua Cohen, where the theme of the party was indeed present. Subsequently, we will analyze the first attempts that laid the theoretical foundations of a possible reconsideration of this issue, and we will present some more recent theoretical developments (i.e. a «systemic approach» to deliberative democracy) that, in our opinion, will allow us to break the silence on this front. Thereupon, we will inquire into what the parties were, with respect to what they are today, in the light of the deliberative theoretical paradigm and the analysis proposed by political scientists. Finally, we will propose some stimuli to foster further reflection on normative issues, looking in particular at the dual role of parties as deliberative agents and as deliberative spaces. In essence, our goal is to refute a widespread belief that a deliberative conception of democracy has little to say about parties.
Palabras clave
Deliberative Democracy. Representative Democracy. Party Theory. Partisanship. Intra-party Democracy.
Gallino, Francesco - Tecniche di democrazia naturale. Pedagogia e politica in Rousseau e Tocqueville

Tecniche di democrazia naturale. Pedagogia e politica in Rousseau e Tocqueville

Características del artículo

A «functional coexistence» of two contradictory elements —freedom and necessity, enthusiasm and coercion— is being increasingly adopted by both management discourses and contemporary political storytelling. Enterprises openly demand workers to assume their (usually nonnegotiable) tasks as steps in their own personal development. Similarly, democratic rhetoric wishes citizens to engage in the public sphere neither as simple rights-owners nor by political participation, but rather experiencing enthusiasm. «Voluntary and community sector» and «sharing economy» are the key operational units of this tendency, which we assume to mostly result in more self-exploitation and a higher degree of political domination. In this paper we argue that analogue overlaps were underlying the theories of two of the most important thinkers of the democratic tradition, Rousseau and Tocqueville. We first analyze Rousseau's pedagogic theory, whose primary goal is to lead the child to want natural necessity. We then argue that (although Rousseau's political thought can't obviously be reduced to its pedagogy) Émile could be read as a development (and even as a practical solution) of some of the open problems of the Social Contract. Finally we move to Tocqueville's democratic theory: we mostly focus on his idea of township as a «natural» form of human government. We argue that Tocqueville knowingly revisits the problem of the overlaps between freedom and necessity (or political autonomy and natural development): and by doing that he suggests us a different (and much more emancipatory) way of looking at contemporary economic and political rhetoric.
Palabras clave
Rousseau. Tocqueville. Spontaneity. Government. Voluntary and Community Sector.
Borgna, Alicie - Uno, nessuno o centomila? Riflessioni su Augusto nel bimillenario della morte (14 – 2014)

Uno, nessuno o centomila? Riflessioni su Augusto nel bimillenario della morte (14 – 2014)

Características del artículo

Palabras clave
Calore, Antonio - 11 settembre 2001. Dal mito alla storia

11 settembre 2001. Dal mito alla storia

Características del artículo


Palabras clave

In questo numero. Nei prossimi numeri. Invito a contribuire
This Issue. Next Issues. Call for Papers

Il legislatore, il governante, il giudice: tre figure del potere
The Lawmaker, the Ruler, the Judge: Three Models of Power

Mario Vegetti, Nomothetes. Il legislatore greco fra storia e teoria
Fulvia de Luise, Nomos e kratos: scene (e aporie) di un connubio antico
Pier Paolo Portinaro, Il nomos e il basileus nello stato costituzionale, oggi
Lowell Edmunds, Socrates and the «Royal Art» (Basilike Techne)
Franco Ferrari, L’immagine della nave e la natura della tecnica politica in Platone
Massimo Luciani, La massima concentrazione del minimo potere. Governo e attività di governo nelle democrazie contemporanee
Eva Cantarella, Il diritto e il potere delle emozioni
Alberto Maffi, Il giudice e la giustizia nel mondo greco
Giulio Guidorizzi, Atene e i giudici-vespe
Luigi Ferrajoli, La giurisdizione nel sistema politico. Per una rifondazione garantista della separazione dei poteri

La questione sociale, oggi
The Social Question, Today

Agustín José Menéndez, ¿Constitución o camisa de fuerza? De las nuevas reglas fiscales al «Estado amortizador»
Humberto Ávila, Os vínculos sociais na Constituição brasileira
Alessandra Cerruti, Francesco Pallante, L’equilibrio di bilancio nella Costituzione italiana. Significato e profili critici
Pedro Salazar Ugarte, La democracia constitucional en América Latina: entre las oligarquías y el populismo. Apuntes para el desánimo
Matilde Adduci, La questione sociale in India
Leonard Mazzone, La critica di fronte alla sofferenza sociale, oggi


Ayse Bugra, Hayek and Polanyi on Choice and Inevitability
Carsten Koschmieder, Do More Possibilities for Participation Imply More Democracy? The Case of the German Pirate Party
Laura Cataldi, Democrazia deliberativa: considerazioni critiche
Antonio Floridia, La democrazia deliberativa e i partiti: un incontro impossibile?
Francesco Gallino, Francesco Manto, Tecniche di democrazia naturale. Pedagogia e politica in Rousseau e Tocqueville

Rassegne di studi
Review Essays

Alice Borgna, Uno, nessuno o centomila? Riflessioni su Augusto nel bimillenario della morte (14 - 2014)
Antonello Calore, 11 settembre 2001. Dal mito alla storia


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